Think of the children

Categories: Our Work, Prevention
As vice-president of International Programs, I am frequently in close contact with people in India and Africa. When I’ve visited these places, I’ve been struck by the vulnerability of children living in poverty. When poverty leads to blindness, it’s truly heartbreaking because there is little hope without outside help. Countless children miss out on an… Continue Reading Think of the children

The gift of sight – and much, much more

Categories: Eye Surgery, Our Work

Today the word “remembering” is on my mind as we observe Remembrance Day in Canada and many other nations around the world. In terms of Operation Eyesight, that got me thinking about our beginning almost 50 years ago. As our founder, the late Art Jenkyns, listened to Dr. Ben Gullison speak in a Calgary church… Continue Reading The gift of sight – and much, much more

Answers from our experts

Categories: Our Work

This week was a special one for us in Calgary. Dr. Bo Wiafe and Kashinath Bhoosnurmath, our regional directors for Africa and India respectively, were in town for our annual Board strategy sessions. It was also significant that they were here for World Sight Day on October 13. Each one guides Operation Eyesight’s work in… Continue Reading Answers from our experts

Consider this on Mother’s Day: Women suffer a greater risk of blindness

Categories: India

Ensuring women and children have equitable access to eye health services is a challenge in many developing countries.  This challenge needs to be addressed because access issues, along with early promotion and prevention strategies, are fundamental – not only to healthy eyes but to healthy communities as well.   Many women in India suffer from… Continue Reading Consider this on Mother’s Day: Women suffer a greater risk of blindness

What’s the big deal about water?

Categories: Communities, Kenya, Our Work

World Water Day, earlier this week on March 22, tells us not to take water for granted. About five years ago Operation Eyesight realized that treatment and surgery alone were not going to win the battle to eliminate unnecessary blindness. Indeed the evidence was that a good deal of blindness could be prevented if we were… Continue Reading What’s the big deal about water?