Thousands in Zambia Have Hope For The Future Thanks To You!

Categories: Annual Report, Blog, Clean Water, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Our Work, PEEK, Prevention, Zambia]
Babies in Zambia have fresh water thanks to Operation Eyesight's supporters
Thanks to the incredible support of our donors, we drilled 21 new water wells in Zambia’s Sinazongwe, Luano and Ngabwe districts last year. The new wells are serving a population of more than 7,750 people. This brings our total count to 106 wells, serving more than 26,500 people. To maintain the new pumps at each well,… Continue Reading Thousands in Zambia Have Hope For The Future Thanks To You!

A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Categories: Blog, Communities, Community Health Worker, Eye Surgery, Hospitals, Other, Our Work, Zambia
A community health worker in Zambia
Catherine was overjoyed when she heard about the opportunity to become a community health volunteer with Operation Eyesight. However, Catherine’s family was not so thrilled. “Why would you want to work for free?” They would ask her. “I volunteer because I’m helping people. It’s my dream come true!” Catherine says. She always wanted to help… Continue Reading A big heart for the people – this community health volunteer is changing lives.

Thank YOU for all that you do!

Categories: Blog, Communities, Donors, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Ghana, Hospitals, India, Kenya, Nepal, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Thank you!
Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend, and we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of everything your incredible support has made possible, and more importantly, to THANK YOU for all that you do! Thanks to you… Thirteen-year-old Tom (and thousands of children, women and men) in the Lake Kariba area, Zambia, received… Continue Reading Thank YOU for all that you do!

Together we’ll wash away blindness in Zambia!

Categories: Blog, Clean Water, Communities, Eye Surgery, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Last year you supported our Washing Away Blindness Campaign, and we can’t thank you enough! This post is to tell you about how your donations are being put to work to bring clean water to Zambia! Clean water is essential for general health, eye health included. Without readily-available clean water, people can’t wash or sanitize,… Continue Reading Together we’ll wash away blindness in Zambia!

2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!

Categories: Blog, Clean Water, Communities, Eye Surgery, Eyeglasses, Hospitals, Our Work, Prevention, Zambia
Last time we posted an impact report, we highlighted all the amazing work made possible in Kenya by supporters like you. This week is the last in our 2016 impact highlight series. We’re excited to have our last post about all the incredible work in Zambia made possible by generous people like you! For more… Continue Reading 2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!