Zambia: 2015 highlights

Categories: Our Work, Zambia

Since publishing our 2015 Report to Donors in June, we’ve been sharing highlights from each of the countries where we work. Our programs in India and Africa had a banner year, thanks to support from our generous donors. This week we’re excited to tell you more about the work our donors made possible in Zambia… Continue Reading Zambia: 2015 highlights

From displacement and despair to health and happiness

Categories: Prevention, Zambia
If you’re like me, you may find yourself asking the question “why” a lot. Why is the world the way it is? Why do some people lack access to basic necessities, like water? Through my work at Operation Eyesight, I’ve come to better understand the layers of challenges faced by those living in developing countries.… Continue Reading From displacement and despair to health and happiness

Restoring sight and hope

Categories: Eye Surgery, Zambia
Losing someone or something you love can be very painful. After a significant loss, people often experience many difficult and overwhelming emotions: hopelessness, fear, anger, frustration, self-doubt, sadness. Jaa Katuta experienced all this and more. Jaa lives in a grass-thatched house near Mwinilugna, a town in the North-Western Province of Zambia. He has lived there… Continue Reading Restoring sight and hope

Borehole brings happiness to all

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
Christopher Tengwa, 57, lives in the Tulonga village of Sinazongwe district, Zambia. He works as a peasant farmer to provide for his family, including his 11 children. Christopher and his family used to live in the Zambezi floodplain where the land was fertile, but the Zambian government’s construction of the gigantic Kariba Dam forced them… Continue Reading Borehole brings happiness to all

Community establishes hygienic roots

Categories: Clean Water, Our Work, Zambia
Evalina Kalata is a child of displacement. Before she was born, Evalina’s parents, along with 57,000 other poor tribespeople who lived along the banks of Zambia’s Zambezi River, were forced out of their homes to allow for construction of the gigantic Kariba Dam. Evalina grew up in a re-settled and remote village called Nang’amba, where… Continue Reading Community establishes hygienic roots