Byron Sonberg

Treasurer; Chair, Finance, Audit and Risk Committee

Byron Sonberg joined the Operation Eyesight Board in October 2023. He says he was attracted to Operation Eyesight by our great work and has an affinity to our cause stemming from personal life circumstances.

Byron is a board member and treasurer of Doctors Without Borders Canada and a board member of Youth Employment Services (YES). He is the former chair and treasurer of Crohn’s and Colitis Canada and has held directorship positions at several faith-based organizations. He is a member of the Institute of Corporate Directors (ICD) Greater Toronto Area Chapter Executive and a Chair Peer Group co-facilitator. A Chartered Professional Accountant (CPA CA), Byron also has an MBA from the Ivey Business School at Western University and holds an ICD.D designation from the ICD.

During his employment career, as managing director of Goodmans LLP, Byron was responsible for administrative services including client and office services, finance, human resources, and technology. He joined the firm with previous experience both in public accounting and industry.