American journalist and historian Henry Adams once said, “Teachers affect eternity; you can never tell where their influence stops.” The teachers of Edmonton Public Schools have taken that statement to another level with their Charity Trust Fund.
A generous supporter of Operation Eyesight for more than 25 years, the Edmonton Public Teachers’ Charity Trust Fund’s mandate is to support Edmonton children and their families, as well as to provide general community support and reach out on an international basis. “It’s a wonderful way for our members to give back to their community,” explains Nels Olsen, a teacher and chair of the donations committee. “Our members find the Charity Trust Fund payroll deductions a convenient way to donate to local and international charities.”
The Charity Trust Fund was established more than 40 years ago and distributes donations to about 35 agencies each year. Operation Eyesight, the only internationally-focused recipient for many years, gained the Charity Trust Fund’s support for a couple of simple reasons: “The committee felt that the organization had a very large impact for what amounted to a modest donation, and Operation Eyesight uses the money we give so effectively.”
Donating internationally helps to give their students perspective about supporting community both at home and abroad. “It also shows our members that they have impact far beyond Edmonton and Canada,” says Nels.
In fact, their impact is international and reaches some of our world’s most vulnerable people. By supporting projects like community development in India and hospitals and outreach programs in Africa, countless children, women and men see a brighter future, thanks to the compassionate members of Edmonton Public Teachers Local No. 37.