Fireworks for 50!

Written by Admin, published on January 4, 2013 Give the Gift of Sight

Light the fireworks! Throw the confetti! Strike up the band… Operation Eyesight turns 50 this year!

Okay, in reality the celebrations might be a bit lower-key than that. But I’m sure you’ll agree, 50 years of preventing avoidable blindness is an occasion worth celebrating!

Back in 1963, a Canadian doctor named Ben Gullison inspired businessman Art Jenkyns to found Operation Eyesight right here in Calgary, Alberta.

I knew both of these dedicated men, and worked closely with Art. They would be delighted that this once-tiny charity has evolved into an international development organization that has brought light and hope to millions and millions of people in the developing world. As the expression goes, “From small beginnings come great things.”

Of course, we could not have reached this 50th anniversary milestone without our donors’ continued strong support of our mission to eliminate avoidable blindness.

On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight and our partners in India, Kenya, Zambia and Ghana, our warmest “thank you!” for your continued support. Because of you, there are people who will never go blind. Now THAT certainly warrants a celebration!

While we don’t have a crystal ball to predict what the next 50 years will bring, one thing is certain: Our successful models of comprehensive, quality eye services will provide the answer to the heartbreaking yet preventable issue of avoidable blindness. And we hope our generous supporters will be there with us, as together, we work towards the day when all the world can see.

Thank you for your support as we enter our 50th year of preventing avoidable blindness in the world’s poorest countries! Read more about Operation Eyesight’s history here; and watch for more anniversary news throughout the year.