For Operation Eyesight to be around for 50 years, it means our donors must appreciate the work that we do. As such, when we receive letters from all levels of Canadian government, it means that those kind words are shared with our donors, whose generosity makes our work possible. Here are a few excerpts from the letters we’ve received as part of our 50th anniversary celebrations.

“Canadians are known throughout the world for their compassionate efforts to make a difference in the lives of others. As a country, we would not have this reputation without the tireless work of people like you who have committed themselves to making the world a better place.
All those involved in building this organization into what it has become today deserve to be recognized for their skills and dedication; your generosity, both of time and heart, is truly remarkable. Let this occasion be an opportunity to recognize your invaluable contributions to the prevention of blindness and to the improvement of quality of life in developing countries.”
The Right Honourable David Johnston
Governor General of Canada
“Avoidable blindness is a serious concern in the developing world, where inadequate water and sanitation, malnutrition, and a lack of proper medical care rob millions of people of the precious gift of sight.
I would like to commend all those associated with Operation Eyesight for their commitment to the fight against global blindness. You can take satisfaction in knowing that you have made and continue to make a profound difference in the lives of so many people, the world over.”
The Right Honourable Stephen Harper
Prime Minister of Canada
“I spent many years in the developing world and witness the importance of international development organizations, such as yours, in preventing life threatening diseases and improving eye care. Your work is essential in giving hope to those at risk of blindness and improving their quality of life.
Providing compassionate support and quality treatment is an important part of eye care. It brings optimism and a sense of stability to those in need. I am hopeful that Albertans will become active participants in your vision. Your commitment to preventing and treating avoidable blindness is an inspiration and an example to be followed.”
The Honourable Alison Redford
Premier of Alberta
“On behalf of the citizens of Calgary and my City Council colleagues, I congratulate Operation Eyesight on 50 years of serving people around the world.
Those of us fortunate enough to live in Canada are often unaware of how environmental factors in the developing world can cause blindness. Operation Eyesight works with partners in communities in Africa and India to provide quality eye care programs and sustainable community development. For the people Operation Eyesight assists, the ability to see is often the difference between a life of poverty and a life of promise.”
His Worship Naheed Nenshi
Mayor of Calgary
To read more letters of congratulation that we’ve received, click here and here.