What kind of holiday shopper are you?

Written by Admin, published on December 13, 2016 Give the Gift of Sight
A young visitor checks out the inventory at Watborg Eye Services’ optical shop just outside of Accra, Ghana. Photo by Wairimu Gitahi.
Your $20 gift will help provide prescription eyeglasses for up to three people in India or Africa. This makes a great teacher gift!

It’s hard to believe, but there are only 12 sleeps left until Christmas! For some of you, the thought of having less than two weeks to prepare might have you panicking a little bit. How on earth are you going to get all of your shopping done in time?

For others, the thought of having to wait almost another two weeks before Christmas might seem unbearable. Why won’t the 25th just get here already so you can give everyone their presents? You’re too excited!

How you’re feeling at this point will vary, depending on your holiday shopping style. What type of holiday shopper are you?

  • Are you a Careful Cathy, who plans your gift list months in advance?
  • An Impulsive Irene, who buys gifts months in advance, then tucks them away and can’t remember where you put them? (I’ll admit, this is me sometimes.)
  • A Fast-and-Easy Fred, who picks up gift cards at the last moment at the local convenience store? (We all know someone like this!)
  • Or are you a Smart Sammy, who orders the most meaningful gift of all – the gift of sight – through Operation Eyesight’s Gift Guide?
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Your $50 gift will help provide sight-restoring cataract surgery for someone who might otherwise go needlessly blind. Give this gift in the name of a friend or colleague and help more children like Dorcas.

Smart Sammy knows that these gifts are two gifts in one. Each is both a beautiful message to a friend, family member or colleague, and a gift that helps Operation Eyesight work with local partners in Africa and Southeast Asia to transform the lives of children, families and communities in developing countries.

Smart Sammy knows that once she’s selected her gifts online, she can choose to send her recipients eCards, either right away or at future date and time. The eCards will include an overview of the work her gifts will support, and she’ll be able to add her own personalized messages, too/

Your $75 gift will help provide medicine and supplies to treat the causes of avoidable blindness. This gift is perfect for family members!
Your $75 gift will help provide medicine and supplies to treat the causes of avoidable blindness. This gift is perfect for family members!

No trudging through a crowded mall, no chopping endless laps to try to find parking, and no fighting with that darn wrapping paper roll. Just a few clicks and Smart Sammy will be done her holiday shopping. And best of all, she knows that her gifts will have a lasting impact in the lives of those less fortunate than her.

What are you waiting for? Check out our Gift Guide today and give the gift that gives twice!

Thank you for giving the gift of sight! We greatly appreciate your support this holiday season!