Remembering Elizabeth Stuart

Written by Admin, published on July 21, 2015 Give the Gift of Sight

We celebrate the generosity of every donor, and there are many who deserve recognition! One whom we would like to celebrate is Elizabeth Stevens Stuart.

Elizabeth was born in 1907 in Osgoode, Ontario, and passed away there in 2011, at age 105. She was one of our treasured lifelong donors, who began giving to Operation Eyesight the year we were founded, 1963. A member of the Baptist Church, she knew Dr. Ben Gullison, whose work in India inspired Art Jenkyns to found Operation Eyesight.

During her long life, Elizabeth earned a master’s degree with honours in mathematics from Queens University, enjoyed a 37-year teaching career, and at the age of 81, returned to school to master working with computers to assist in her tireless work as genealogist and local historian for the Osgoode Township Historical Society and Museum, whose creation she spearheaded.

In addition to her many accomplishments, we remember Elizabeth for her generosity. Operation Eyesight was just one of 12 charities that she supported, and during her lifetime she gave us nearly $10,000. She gave us a similar amount as a legacy gift after her passing.

When a volunteer called her in 2006 to thank her for her support, she told us, “I’m thankful that I still have good eyes so I can still drive.” She was 99 at the time. We all hope to be in such good health at that age!

Legacy donors like Elizabeth make huge contributions to our work. Their generosity and foresight benefit many people in developing countries who otherwise couldn’t afford or reach quality eye care. We’re so thankful that Elizabeth was our donor, and we can’t help but be inspired by her resolve to make the world a better place!

If you would like more information on how you, too, can leave a legacy gift to Operation Eyesight, please contact Candice Naylen at 403-618-3873 or Thank you!