Making dreams come true: A Calgary nurse’s final gift

Written by Admin, published on January 24, 2017 Give the Gift of Sight
Margaret Baxter at her 90th birthday party.

When Margaret Baxter passed away in Edmonton, AB in May 2015, she left a generous gift to Operation Eyesight. A longtime supporter, Margaret had dealt with eye problems all her life, so she appreciated the work our organization does to give people the gift of sight. Having been a nurse in Calgary for many years, and having nursed at refugee camps, she also understood the universal need for quality health care.

Her executor and longtime friend Jane Stollery knew Margaret all her life. Jane describes Margaret as a “very strong-willed person, very successful and clear on what she wanted.”

In Margaret’s original will, most of her estate was left to relatives, with smaller amounts to charity. When she updated it many years later, Jane says Margaret was surprised to learn that she was under no obligation to leave large gifts to family members. When asked by her lawyer what she really wanted to do, Margaret chose to increase the size of bequests to those charities close to her heart.

Jane says her friend’s legacies were “a way of making Margaret’s dreams come true. She would be truly delighted that her gifts were making the world a better place.”

We’re so grateful to Margaret for honouring us with her final gift. She will indeed transform the lives of children, women and men around the world!

You, too, can leave a lasting legacy of hope. Designating a gift to Operation Eyesight in your will is your opportunity to give the gift of sight and make a difference, for generations to come. For more information, contact us at 403-283-6323 or