It was a very long winter, wasn’t it? Heavy snow, dangerous ice and bitter cold set records in many parts of Canada and the United States.
But take heart — spring has finally arrived! The days are growing longer and warmer. If you don’t already, you’ll soon hear excited birds singing their mating songs, and see fresh green buds sprouting on plants and trees.
You can feel the sense of rebirth and rejuvenation in the air!
And you’ll be happy to hear that a similar sense of joyful optimism and renewal is shared by a teenage boy in Ghana. For him, however, it goes beyond a change in weather. His happiness is because his life has been transformed — and donors like you helped make it happen!
Thirteen-year-old Isaac feels reborn every day. Because now, when he opens his eyes in the morning, he can SEE the world around him!

About two years ago, Isaac started complaining that he couldn’t see the chalkboard at school from his desk. Initially, his teacher didn’t take him seriously; she thought Isaac was playing a prank on her, as teenage boys have been known to do.
Isaac later told his mother, who again voiced these concerns to his teacher. It was then that his teacher realized Isaac really was having problems seeing the front of the classroom.
Isaac was afraid. Would he go blind? Would he be able to continue his studies? He had seen other poor, blind people in Ghana and knew the struggles his life would face.
His mother was also worried. With seven other children to support on a very small income, she feared her son’s loss of sight would bring further hardship to their family.
Fortunately, she reported her son’s condition to a local health worker during an annual health checkup. After seeking advice from an optometrist, the health worker referred Isaac to Watborg Eye Hospital, a private hospital specializing in eye care services. Watborg was established in Ghana in 2012 through the generosity of our donors.
By the time Isaac visited Watborg, his eye condition was so bad that he hadn’t attended class for over a month – but thanks to Operation Eyesight’s donors, he’d be back to school in no time!
Isaac was diagnosed with bilateral cataract and received surgeries on both eyes – first his left, and then his right. He couldn’t hide his joy when he opened his eyes the day after his operation! He could see again! Soon, he’d be back at school!
Issac’s mother also expressed how happy, and relieved, she was. Today, after seeing her son’s incredible transformation, she has renewed hope for his future.
By giving the gift of sight, our donors have brought so much joy and hope to Isaac and his family – and with your continued support, we can help others feel this wonderful spring-like rejuvenation!
Please consider donating to our cataract surgery program so you can give the gift of sight to more people like Isaac. You can even make a donation in the name of a friend or loved one – the perfect Easter gift! View our “Happy Easter” eCard here.
Thank you for your support – and happy spring!