This little one has a big future ahead

In India, there are about 3.5 million premature births annually, and more than 150,000 are liable to develop Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP). Without early diagnosis and treatment, infants like little Aarsh, pictured here with his mother Shabana, could otherwise have faced a life with irreversible blindness. Learn more.

Look at those big, beautiful eyes! This is baby Aarsh, from a small village just outside Moradabad city, in Uttar Pradesh, India. At seven months old, he weighs about seven pounds – what many babies weigh at birth. Aarsh’s mother, Shabana, was only seven months pregnant when she delivered him prematurely. Little Aarsh had been… Continue reading This little one has a big future ahead

Preventing blindness in premature babies with Dr. Ashi Khurana

Dr. Ashi Khurana, Vice-Chairman, C.L. Gupta Eye Institute is a cornea specialist and manages the Retinopathy of Prematurity Eradication Project. The project screens premature infants in Moradabad and five surrounding districts for Retinopathy of Prematurity (ROP), which can cause irreversible blindness if left untreated. World Prematurity Day: Dr. Ashi Khurana, Vice-Chairman, C.L. Gupta Eye Institute… Continue reading Preventing blindness in premature babies with Dr. Ashi Khurana

An eye health ambassador’s long journey to restored sight

Imagine preparing a meal for family and friends, and nobody eats it because they don’t trust your cooking skills due to your failing eyesight. Or picture yourself shopping at the local marketplace and wondering if you’re being shortchanged by the vendor because you can’t see the numbers on the coins. That’s what Sharda, who lives… Continue reading An eye health ambassador’s long journey to restored sight

A stitch in time: Cataract surgery revives career

Holding an awl in one hand, and a man’s leather shoe in the other, Abraham in Kenya demonstrates how he pierces a hole in the leather before stitching it up to make a repair. It’s part of his job as a cobbler that, for months, he was unable to do. A couple years ago, Abraham… Continue reading A stitch in time: Cataract surgery revives career