Restored eyesight and a brand-new life

Sita (above) is an 82-year-old woman who lives in Bungamati, Nepal. Sadly, her husband passed away some years ago, so she’s been living with her step son and his family ever since. She helps her daughter-in-law take care of the household. However, over the years Sita discovered that her everyday activities were becoming more difficult… Continue reading Restored eyesight and a brand-new life

The incredible love of a mother

For many of us, the mothers in our lives have been incredible people. They’ve shaped our development with their love and care. A mother’s love is a beautiful thing, and it’s even more awe-inspiring when her love endures despite life-altering hardship. This Mother’s Day, I wanted to share a few stories about some loving mothers.… Continue reading The incredible love of a mother

Ruth’s story

[tribulant_slideshow gallery_id=”1″]   Twelve-year-old Ruth has had more than her fair share of vision problems for her tender age. She started having problems with her eyes when she was just five years old, and her vision deteriorated progressively. Every time her family thought it couldn’t get worse, it did. By the time Ruth was screened… Continue reading Ruth’s story

This Easter, help others see the seasons change

For many of us, Easter marks the much-anticipated turn of the season from winter to spring. Cold and dreary winterscapes are fading away to reveal the bright and welcoming colours of spring. Flowers begin to bloom, trees grow back their lush leaves and the days become warmer, inviting us all to step outside to smell… Continue reading This Easter, help others see the seasons change