Mobilization! The war against trachoma (Part 1 of 2)

This week, we present the first of a two-part story about the ongoing battle against blinding trachoma, a terrible infectious disease that is one of the leading causes of avoidable blindness globally. The World Health Organization, together with partners like Operation Eyesight and local Ministries of Health, has invested huge resources into eliminating trachoma by… Continue reading Mobilization! The war against trachoma (Part 1 of 2)

Lower that blood pressure; protect your vision!

This Sunday, we mark World Health Day, a day to commemorate the founding of the World Health Organization (WHO) on April 7, 1948. Every year, the WHO chooses a theme with global public health significance; and this year’s theme is high blood pressure. If you have high blood pressure, or hypertension, you are probably familiar… Continue reading Lower that blood pressure; protect your vision!

5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

It’s been a great year for storytelling here at Grey Mist Lifting! We’ve certainly enjoyed the opportunity to tell you an inspiring story every Friday. Together, we’ve travelled to Africa and India and introduced you to some of the children, women and men whose lives have changed, thanks to our supporters. Here are five highlights… Continue reading 5 stories that touched our hearts in 2012

SEE what a difference glasses can make

As a child, I was not happy to learn that I needed glasses. Why? I was worried about looking like a nerd and getting teased at school. My reaction seems to be pretty common here in North America, but in India and Africa, most children welcome eyeglasses as a precious gift. Here’s a great story… Continue reading SEE what a difference glasses can make