This one’s for all the moms out there…

Enjoying the sunshine with my daughter.

Those wrinkled feet. That scrunched up button nose. Those tiny little fingers. Their chest, rising and falling. Their soft little eyelids fluttering. How many times did you just sit there, gazing lovingly at your new baby, watching them sleep, so peacefully, so innocently? I’m sure you remember the very first moment you laid eyes on… Continue reading This one’s for all the moms out there…

A great big thank you!

Tilt your head. Then close one eye, squint out of the corner of the other eye, and try to read this blog post. Don’t you find it awkward, uncomfortable and hard to see?

From all of us at Operation Eyesight, we wanted to say THANK YOU again for donating to our GivingTuesday campaign.  It was a great success! We raised $3,770 in total, and that will be doubled by our generous matching donor. And so many kind-hearted people signed up to become Monthly Visionaries, which means together we’ll give the gift… Continue reading A great big thank you!

Aly’s emotional journey begins

For most of us, leaving our comfort zone is something we like to avoid. But for Aly, our President and CEO, getting uncomfortable is something he looks forward to in the weeks to come. During September, Aly will be visiting our project countries to meet with our international team and participate in 30 days of… Continue reading Aly’s emotional journey begins