Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Kevin Davidson is a member of Operation Eyesight UK’s board of trustees and the chief executive officer of Maxwell Drummond, an international executive search firm headquartered in London, England. He visited our Rasoolpura Urban Slum Project during a December business trip to India. We asked him to share his impressions of the visit. Rasoolpura is… Continue reading Community outreach enriches life in an Indian slum

Volunteer energy is essential: a highlight on Raju’s story

Although a relatively small organization in terms of employees, Operation Eyesight has created a big impact. That’s because Operation Eyesight is, in fact, a community of support – people from all over the world and different walks of life all focused on providing “the best for the poorest.” Among these dedicated people are volunteers who… Continue reading Volunteer energy is essential: a highlight on Raju’s story