Celebrating the spirit of philanthropy

As executive director of Operation Eyesight, I felt very privileged to be a part of Calgary’s celebration of National Philanthropy Day on November 15. Not only was I able to see our “founding family,” the Jenkyns family, honoured as the Outstanding Philanthropic Family by the Calgary chapter of the Association of Fundraising Professionals, but I… Continue reading Celebrating the spirit of philanthropy

Founding family acknowledged with philanthropic award

Philanthropy, for members of the Jenkyns family, is something they learned at a very early age from someone who cared deeply about humanity and who passed his values on to his children and grandchildren. Art Jenkyns, who founded Operation Eyesight in Calgary in 1963, instilled a genuine caring for others in his five children and… Continue reading Founding family acknowledged with philanthropic award

We raise a toast to our donors

When we Canadians gather at our Thanksgiving dinner tables this weekend, many of us will be thankful for our most precious gifts: family, friends, and health. We know we’re fortunate to live in a fully-developed nation where we have universal health care and a good social support system. As the World Health Organization points out,… Continue reading We raise a toast to our donors