Thanks to you, Margaret Ratcliff

Margaret, who has been giving to Operation Eyesight for 25 years, says she has been a loyal donor for several reasons. It runs in the family. Margaret’s mother also gave to Operation Eyesight before she passed away in 2003. Although she can’t remember for sure, Margaret has a hunch that it was her mother who… Continue reading Thanks to you, Margaret Ratcliff

Thanks to you, Murray Soupcoff

Operation Eyesight is very lucky to have dedicated donors who are preventing avoidable blindness. But we also couldn’t do our work without the help of those who donate their time! Although the days of Operation Eyesight being an all-volunteer organization are long past, we always appreciate those who want to help out, which is why… Continue reading Thanks to you, Murray Soupcoff

Happy Canada Day!

On behalf of all of us at Operation Eyesight, I’d like to wish our Canadian supporters a happy Canada Day! As you sing our national anthem and watch the fireworks tonight, I hope you take the time to appreciate how fortunate we are to live in a country where we have convenient access to quality… Continue reading Happy Canada Day!

Securities prove to be a very special type of gift

Giving a gift of securities to Operation Eyesight last year proved doubly rewarding to longtime donor Penny Pattison. When Penny’s father died in 2010, and left her some money, Penny made a bequest in her own will to Operation Eyesight with part of her inheritance. After consulting with her financial advisor, she invested some of… Continue reading Securities prove to be a very special type of gift