Restored eyesight builds hope for a brick-maker!

Thanks to people like you, James feels like he has a new lease on life. He can SEE, and the future of his family is brighter. Thank you!

Special thanks to Ronald Kefa, our project officer in Kenya, for writing this beautiful story of hope restored! James was 51 years old when he went blind. He had lived unable to see out of his left eye for years, and one morning he woke up unable to see out of his right eye, either.… Continue reading Restored eyesight builds hope for a brick-maker!

Holiday shopping jitters? We have the gift for you!

Just two weeks until Christmas?! That’s only 12 sleeps left before the big day! Some of us tend to get around to our Christmas shopping a little late. Are you wondering how on earth you’re going to get all your shopping done in time? If you are, I have a few ideas that could cure… Continue reading Holiday shopping jitters? We have the gift for you!

A man’s sight has been restored and the cows have come back home!

Standsingh is an 82-year-old man who lives in the state of Meghalaya in India. It’s a hilly region, surrounded by mountains and rocky cliffs. He was born and raised in a small village, where he lives with his children and grandchildren in a sturdy little house made of timber and brick. Sadly, Standsingh’s wife passed away eight… Continue reading A man’s sight has been restored and the cows have come back home!

A broken heart is mended with the gift of sight

Laxmi is a 75-year-old woman who lives in a poor neighbourhood in Nepal. Sadly, Laxmi’s husband passed away a few years ago, and she was left a widow. As she got older, her vision began to fade, until finally she lost her vision completely. Laxmi moved into a small cottage with her two daughters, two… Continue reading A broken heart is mended with the gift of sight