A safer and more promising future

How would you to like to work with corrosive chemicals if your vision was impaired? Like Janet Williams, some people make their living that way. Janet lives in the town of Weija, Ghana, and worked at Pambros Salt Mine, the largest salt producer in western Africa. Two years ago, she started experiencing blurred vision, causing… Continue reading A safer and more promising future

Going ‘above and beyond’ to help restore sight

I recently had the pleasure of talking to Peter and Yvette, two longtime Canadian donors who approached Operation Eyesight seeking help for Peter’s childhood friend living in India. While it’s not an everyday occurrence, we went out of our way to arrange eye care for her. This is Peter’s story about Josephine… “Sometimes, people go… Continue reading Going ‘above and beyond’ to help restore sight

Finding joy in the happiness of others

Last summer, Operation Eyesight participated in Calgary’s “All Charity Festival.” That’s where we met our friend Ruby Anyumba and were once again reminded how small the world really is. You see, Ruby is originally from Kenya, and she had heard of Operation Eyesight before she arrived in Canada! In fact, her aunt, Juliana Otieno (or… Continue reading Finding joy in the happiness of others

A father’s heart rejoices: His son can see!

Sri Paresh Orang is a daily wage worker in a small village in northeast India. Paresh and his wife have two young sons – one of whom was born blind. Providing for his family was difficult for Paresh, and because of his youngest son’s disability and the special care he required, life was that much… Continue reading A father’s heart rejoices: His son can see!