Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

In Ghana, we were honoured to work with many partners in 2017. Together with Ghana Health Services, Standard Chartered Bank, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons and Swiss Red Cross, we communicated the results of the National Blindness and Visual Impairment study — the first of its kind in the country. We’re excited about this… Continue reading Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya

Elizabeth is 22, and she’s still in her first year of high school while the rest of her peers are in their second year of university. She lives in a small village in the Trans Nzoia County in Kenya with her parents and siblings. She had quit school in 2011, having suffered from visual impairment that made studying… Continue reading Portable Eye Examination Kit (PEEK), transforms the lives of students in Kenya

Categorized as Eyeglasses

A warm “thank you!” from people around the world.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day to express our appreciation for the important people in our lives. For us at Operation Eyesight, the important people to our organization would be you – the people who make our work possible. Of course, none of Operation Eyesight’s work could happen without your generosity. And as a result, amazing… Continue reading A warm “thank you!” from people around the world.

The effects of your generosity goes on – long after our work is done!

We’re happy to say that we’ve been fighting avoidable blindness and restoring sight for 55 years now, with the help of donors like you – and one of our most rewarding and important goals is helping our partner hospitals, government departments and communities achieve sustainable practices. This means that after our work in a region… Continue reading The effects of your generosity goes on – long after our work is done!