A life turned right-side up – thanks to you!

Simon is a 67-year-old man who lives with his wife, children and grandchildren in a small village in Trans Nzoia County, Kenya. He has lived there all his life and has a mud-walled house with rusty iron sheet roofing. Simon, and his wife, Gladys, have nine children, ranging from 41 to 15 years old. While Gladys takes care of the home, Simon has eked… Continue reading A life turned right-side up – thanks to you!

Sight restored is like being born again

Today we want to tell you the story of Jay, a 60-year-old man living in Lalitpur, Nepal with his wife and children. Jay and his family are poor, and they live in a small cottage. He does some farming and he owns a small shop. Over time, Jay’s vision started to fade. He and his family… Continue reading Sight restored is like being born again

A warm “thank you!” from people around the world.

Happy Valentine’s Day! Today is a day to express our appreciation for the important people in our lives. For us at Operation Eyesight, the important people to our organization would be you – the people who make our work possible. Of course, none of Operation Eyesight’s work could happen without your generosity. And as a result, amazing… Continue reading A warm “thank you!” from people around the world.

How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!

One of the most significant ways in which Operation Eyesight eliminates avoidable blindness is through our Hospital-Based Community Eye Health Program, which is a real mouthful. And it doesn’t stop with the title. The model is complex, and has many moving parts, so that’s why we’re thrilled to have a full breakdown of the program… Continue reading How do you eliminate avoidable blindness on a sustainable basis? We have the answer!