Clean water provides the Gift of Sight to Zambia school

Mangos, guavas, lemons and heaps of vegetables – all things that students at a Mweela Primary School in Sinazongwe can cultivate now, thanks to a hand pump in the courtyard. Imagine going to school and not being able to access clean water. How would you stay hydrated? Stay clean and sanitary? Stay engaged in your… Continue reading Clean water provides the Gift of Sight to Zambia school

Eyeglasses inspire new dreams for Ethiopian student

When Yeshiworque first started school, she was as bright and eager to learn as any kindergartener. She loved going to class, and by the end of first grade, she was among the top three students in her class. But during second grade, everything changed. That year, Yeshiworque started having trouble seeing the blackboard. She had… Continue reading Eyeglasses inspire new dreams for Ethiopian student

Empowering educators

As a teacher working in special needs education in Uasin Gishu County, Kenya, Mary Benzo has seen the difference eye health care can make in the lives of students. As part of our school eye health program, we trained Mary and other school staff to do vision screenings using the smartphone app Peek Acuity. Students… Continue reading Empowering educators

Finding care in the community

When six-year-old Piu began experiencing painful watery, red eyes, blurred vision and headaches, her mother, Sathi, and father, Dipongok, were understandably worried. “I felt sad that others could read and write in class while my child was unable to do that,” Sathi says. Piu, who lives with her parents and four-year-old brother in Bangladesh, began… Continue reading Finding care in the community