Ripple effect – celebrating World Water Day 2022

Just three years ago, many would have thought backyard gardens were impossible in Zambia’s arid Sinazongwe district.   Today, when I visit the villages in and around the area, I see families growing their own food – corn, vegetables, even peanuts. I see the smiling, healthy faces of children on their way to and from school.… Continue reading Ripple effect – celebrating World Water Day 2022

Clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Sarafina’s story

Every morning, Sarafina walked over two hours to fetch water from a small marshland three kilometres from her village. After being used by many people in the surrounding villages, the water would get muddy and the banks slippery and dangerous. To avoid this, Sarafina tried to always be one of the first people to get to the marshland, so she could draw the clearest water for her family. This… Continue reading Clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Sarafina’s story

Clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Karen’s story

In June 2021, Karen and her husband welcomed a healthy baby boy, Peter, into their family. Like all new mothers, Karen was overjoyed but also exhausted. This exhaustion was compounded by the fact that the borehole in Nkumbaisha, her village, had stopped working in May 2020. With a newborn in the household, Karen needed a lot of water every day for cleaning… Continue reading Clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Karen’s story

Provision of clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Abigail and Natasha

Abigail and her two busy children live in the village of Kangwa. Unfortunately, in November 2020, right when hygiene was at the forefront of everyone’s minds due to COVID-19, the borehole in Kangwa broke down. The only other source of water was a stream several kilometres away from the village, but the water was often muddy and unclean. Abigail went from… Continue reading Provision of clean water in Zambia’s Luano District – Abigail and Natasha