Eye surgery saved a little girl’s life

A young girl sits in between her parents smiling at the camera
Written by Melissa Crocker, Senior Marketing Specialist, published on June 29, 2021 Give the Gift of Sight

When Blessing was four years old, she was playing near a pile of burning trash in her home village in Ghana when an explosion occurred. A piece of metal became embedded in her eye.

Blessing was taken to a nearby hospital, where the doctor told her parents that she would lose her eye. They were overcome with grief for their daughter’s loss. “I wish this had happened to me and not my daughter,” her father said.

Although Blessing’s eye could not be saved, she still required surgery to remove the eye and avoid a life-threatening infection. Her parents struggled financially, and they knew they couldn’t afford the treatment, but they wouldn’t give up on their little girl.

When they took her to a nearby hospital, she was referred to Watborg Eye Services, an Operation Eyesight partner, where most of the cost of her surgery was covered. Blessing’s wound has healed, and she has been fitted with a prosthetic eye. The generosity of our donors saved this little girl’s life.

When Blessing arrived at the hospital, she and her parents were very frightened.
During the surgery, this metallic object was removed from Blessing’s eye.
Blessing’s eye surgery saved her life and allowed her to get back to her joyful self.
Blessing is home and happy again now that she no longer suffers from the effects of her eye injury.