Vision centres help patient outcomes: study

The presence of a vision centre in one Indian community has played a key role in the reduction of blindness and visual impairment for local patients and families, according to a new study published in the Indian Journal of Ophthalmology.   Over the course of the four-year study, the prevalence of blindness and visual impairment in… Continue reading Vision centres help patient outcomes: study

Downstream impact

Access to clean water doesn’t just help reduce the spread of infection, it transforms entire communities. It gives students like Natasha the chance to attend school instead of spending hours hauling water for her family.

In the village of Kwanga, in southern Zambia, the rehabilitation of a borehole has meant local access to abundant, fresh water for the entire community. For Natasha, it’s brought the ability to attend school full time. Previously, she had to walk several kilometres each day to fetch water for her family. This took so much… Continue reading Downstream impact