Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Our 50th anniversary has brought many welcome surprises – letters filled with memories from long-time donors are one of our favourites. One surprise that has us particularly excited is from Dr. Ben Gullison’s great niece Iris Quinn, a long-time Operation Eyesight supporter. Iris is an accomplished stage and film actor, director, voice-over artist and acting… Continue reading Cooking up support to fight avoidable blindness

Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise

As past president and a past chair of international services for the Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise in Simcoe, ON, John Wallace’s enthusiastic support of Operation Eyesight knows no bounds. Not only is he a donor, he’s a supporter, a fundraiser and a cheerleader for the organization, which he calls, “an amazing and unique Canadian… Continue reading Thanks to you, Rotary Club of Norfolk Sunrise