Radio reaches those in dire need

Have you ever found that sometimes, the simplest messages are the most heartfelt? Let me tell you about Dawson, 72, and Anisa, 68. This elderly couple live in a tiny one room thatched house in the village of Kajilo, located in Zambia’s North-Western Province. Until quite recently, their lives were miserable because neither of them could… Continue reading Radio reaches those in dire need

Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj

A Sunday School class at Grandview Baptist Church (now Grandview Calvary Baptist Church) in Vancouver was all the inspiration that then-teenager Eileen Maharaj needed to support Operation Eyesight. “My teacher regularly had ‘mission moments’ in our class and one of those moments was about Operation Eyesight,” explains Eileen. “It inspired my imagination. Blindness is something… Continue reading Thanks to you: Eileen Maharaj

Thanks to you: Don McIver

If you live in Campbell River, BC, you might open your mail one day to find a greeting card and gift from an enthusiastic Operation Eyesight supporter… even if you don’t know him personally. For the past 30-plus years, Don McIver has celebrated local milestones by giving friends, strangers and organizations like Rotary and church… Continue reading Thanks to you: Don McIver

We must see through their eyes (Part 2 of 2)

On May 25, I wrote about why quality is so important to Operation Eyesight. In case you’re wondering why I’m writing about this now, it’s because too many people are afraid to get the help they need. For years now, we’ve known that next to cataracts, the second leading cause of avoidable blindness in developing… Continue reading We must see through their eyes (Part 2 of 2)