The Power of Partnerships: Seeing is Believing by Kashinath Bhoosnurmath

With my peers at the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB) global event in 2023. Partnerships are the key to success in eliminating avoidable vision loss. When we partner, we go beyond eye health care, finding sustainable solutions that improve quality of life in communities and countries.

We all believe and say, ‘Seeing is believing.’ I personally hold this belief dear and often repeat it, as it resonates deeply with me. As the President and CEO of Operation Eyesight Universal, one of my roles is to help our growing global community to see how our collective actions and partnerships – as employees… Continue reading The Power of Partnerships: Seeing is Believing by Kashinath Bhoosnurmath

Staff honoured by International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness

Congratulations to two of our senior staff, who received recognition from their peers at the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness (IAPB)’s 10th General Assembly in October. As the liaison organization between governments and non-governmental agencies, IAPB works with blindness prevention organizations all over the world.

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Sharing our knowledge with the eye health community

This week, representatives from Operation Eyesight (including yours truly) are headed to Durban, South Africa for the International Agency for the Prevention of Blindness’s 10th General Assembly. Our team will join 1,600 other delegates to discuss public health issues related to blindness and visual impairment. We submitted seven abstracts to the program committee, and we’re… Continue reading Sharing our knowledge with the eye health community

The Olympics of eye care

If you’re someone who reads this blog each week, you know how proud we are of our approach to eye care and development. We believe we’re on the right track – helping people with immediate needs but also helping communities become self-sufficient in the long run. That confidence was confirmed this week at the International… Continue reading The Olympics of eye care