A stitch in time: Cataract surgery revives career

Holding an awl in one hand, and a man’s leather shoe in the other, Abraham in Kenya demonstrates how he pierces a hole in the leather before stitching it up to make a repair. It’s part of his job as a cobbler that, for months, he was unable to do. A couple years ago, Abraham… Continue reading A stitch in time: Cataract surgery revives career

Cataract surgery saves cattle herder’s livelihood

Herding cows is such a fundamental part of Maasai culture that it is common to hear people in that community greeting each other with, “I hope your cattle are well!” So, when 70-year-old Parmuat, a Maasai herder in Kajiado County, Kenya, thought he might have to sell off his cows, he was devastated.   Several… Continue reading Cataract surgery saves cattle herder’s livelihood

Clean water, clear vision: The link between water and eye health

At first, a trachoma infection looks a bit like a case of pink eye: red, irritated eyes, maybe some swelling and discharge. But for many people in the world, a trachoma infection is a serious concern. If left untreated, it can lead to severe pain, vision loss and even blindness. The bacteria that cause trachoma… Continue reading Clean water, clear vision: The link between water and eye health

Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Florence received cataract surgery and is smiling once again. By giving the Gift of Sight this holiday season, you can help open new doors in the life of someone living with vision loss.

When Florence began losing her sight to cataracts, her daughter, Rose, watched helplessly as her mother lost not only her independence but also her joy. “She was complaining that she could see smoke,” says Rose, who lives with her mother in Kakamega, located in western Kenya. “She would always say that she could see people… Continue reading Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving