Making trachoma a thing of the past

Did you know trachoma is the leading cause of preventable blindness in Kenya and many parts of Africa? This painful bacterial infection causes irreversible blindness if left untreated. Worse yet, women and children are more likely to contract this condition. We are supporting the distribution of antibiotics in Kenya’s Narok County to treat and reduce… Continue reading Making trachoma a thing of the past

Eye health care, just in time

Community health workers, recruited from within communities, are often a vital link - connecting patients like Aaliyah with eye health care, as well as other health services in their area.

Today, nine-year-old Aaliya from the village of Vallabhnagar in Rajasthan can go to school and play with her friends – but it wasn’t always this way.   Failing vision from the age of three meant the gradual loss of sight in her right eye. Aaliya’s family took her to several hospitals seeking treatment, but these efforts… Continue reading Eye health care, just in time