Enabling mothers to build a better life for themselves and their children

As a mother of eight children ranging from seven months to 13 years old, Pamela didn’t have time to be sick. Living in Zambia’s Sinazongwe district, she was responsible for hauling water, washing her family’s clothes, tending to the vegetable garden, preparing meals and looking after her youngest children. Two years ago, Pamela started to… Continue reading Enabling mothers to build a better life for themselves and their children

A grandmother can see the faces of her grandchildren again

Kashi is a mother of two and a grandmother of four who lives in the village of Rasulpura in India. She looked after her family by taking care of domestic work, and her greatest joy in life is spending time with her grandchildren. When her vision started to deteriorate, she thought it was due to… Continue reading A grandmother can see the faces of her grandchildren again

AROUND THE WORLD SIGHT DAY with Operation Eyesight

Worlds Sight Day 2020

World Sight Day (WSD) is an annual day of awareness and advocacy held on the second Thursday of October to focus global attention on the causes and consequences of vision impairment. This year, on October 8, Operation Eyesight celebrated #HopeinSight across our global offices in South Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and North America. We called our… Continue reading AROUND THE WORLD SIGHT DAY with Operation Eyesight