From fearful blindness to joyous sight

Hira smiling now that she can SEE again! Thank you!

Hira is 74 years old and lives in an ancient village in central Nepal with her husband and her son and his family. The whole family depends on Hira’s son, who works as a labourer to make enough for them to get by. To help out, Hira gardens and sews clothing for the family, while… Continue reading From fearful blindness to joyous sight

People like you are making magic happen with the gift of sight!

Thanks to someone just like you, Stenwell can see to play with his grandson again!

Stenwell lives in a small village in India, and he loves nothing more than to spend time playing with his grandchild. His family means the world to him, and he does his best to help take care of them. He helped contribute on the farm, but because that wasn’t enough to sustain his family, he… Continue reading People like you are making magic happen with the gift of sight!

Happy New Year!

Elagonda claps with excitement when describing her surgery, made possible by caring people like you.

Happy 2019! It’s hard to believe that 2018 has come and gone, isn’t it? Time flies. Last year people like you helped us reach thousands of people in need of eye care. Thank you for your support! So many people, like Elagonda from India, were helped through your generosity. Here’s a letter Elagonda wanted us… Continue reading Happy New Year!

Taking Time to Appreciate the View

James is so happy now that his sight has been restored – and it’s all because of donors like you!

“I couldn’t work or even tell people apart unless I recognized their voices, and my wife Pauline had to lead me around our home,” says James, a 70-year-old farmer from Kenya. James suffered from bilateral cataracts and desperately needed surgery. To get treatment, he’d need to save enough money to cover a trip to Nairobi,… Continue reading Taking Time to Appreciate the View