Thousands in Zambia Have Hope For The Future Thanks To You!

Thanks to the incredible support of our donors, we drilled 21 new water wells in Zambia’s Sinazongwe, Luano and Ngabwe districts last year. The new wells are serving a population of more than 7,750 people. This brings our total count to 106 wells, serving more than 26,500 people. To maintain the new pumps at each well,… Continue reading Thousands in Zambia Have Hope For The Future Thanks To You!

Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

In Ghana, we were honoured to work with many partners in 2017. Together with Ghana Health Services, Standard Chartered Bank, Ghana College of Physicians and Surgeons and Swiss Red Cross, we communicated the results of the National Blindness and Visual Impairment study — the first of its kind in the country. We’re excited about this… Continue reading Thank you for another great year in Ghana!

2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!

India had an exciting year! Thanks to our donors and partners we screened more than two million people who were at risk of losing their sight. Declaring villages avoidable blindness-free is the pinnacle of our work. We’re ecstatic to say that we declared our 500th village free of avoidable blindness in 2017. With the help… Continue reading 2017 Was An Exciting Year For South Asia, Thanks To You!

Her blindness was destroying two lives…

It’s normal to think about blindness as a personal condition. After all, it’s easiest to imagine how it would affect your life. But for Surajkali, blindness stole not just her independence, but her 10-year old grandson’s, too. Surajkali is 65 and from India. She lives in Rurwahar Village in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh. Her husband is a… Continue reading Her blindness was destroying two lives…