This one’s for all the moms out there…

Enjoying the sunshine with my daughter.

Those wrinkled feet. That scrunched up button nose. Those tiny little fingers. Their chest, rising and falling. Their soft little eyelids fluttering. How many times did you just sit there, gazing lovingly at your new baby, watching them sleep, so peacefully, so innocently? I’m sure you remember the very first moment you laid eyes on… Continue reading This one’s for all the moms out there…

Together from Darkness to Light

Rathnamma and Venkitaraman have been each other’s support ever since they migrated to Bangalore, India to work as construction labourers. Despite 40 years of hard work, the couple was only able to accumulate a small amount of savings. And that savings was quickly used after Venkitaram’s sight faded, until he eventually went blind. Without his… Continue reading Together from Darkness to Light

Your legacy gift could transform generations through the gift of sight!

After living in darkness for four years, Prisila is so happy she can see her grandchildren’s faces again – thanks to YOU!

If you have a family of your own, whether you have kids or even grandkids, you might be thinking about how you can help support them today, tomorrow and in the future. For people like Prisila, the concern was being able to support her family while she’s still alive. But when her world went dark,… Continue reading Your legacy gift could transform generations through the gift of sight!

Happy New Year!

Elagonda claps with excitement when describing her surgery, made possible by caring people like you.

Happy 2019! It’s hard to believe that 2018 has come and gone, isn’t it? Time flies. Last year people like you helped us reach thousands of people in need of eye care. Thank you for your support! So many people, like Elagonda from India, were helped through your generosity. Here’s a letter Elagonda wanted us… Continue reading Happy New Year!