Restoring vision in rural India: A journey of hope

Reaching the remote village of Kachikata, in India’s northeastern Assam state, is no small task. The journey from Jorhat, the nearest city, begins by jeep on rough roads leading down to the Brahmaputra River. From there, travellers climb onto a tiny ferry, big enough only for a handful of passengers, that takes them to Majuli… Continue reading Restoring vision in rural India: A journey of hope

Gender inequalities in vision loss

Taking a closer look at the connections between avoidable vision loss and gender inequalities The oldest of five children, Thandiwe in Zambia has always looked after her younger siblings. When the village borehole broke down, she had to fetch water from the river, and her family couldn’t wash as often. Thandiwe noticed some of her… Continue reading Gender inequalities in vision loss

No headaches thanks to new reading glasses

Kenyan schoolteacher Dinah says some of her best memories include the ‘ah-ha!’ moments when her students realized they could read and write. Now retired, she looks forward to evenings when she reads to her granddaughters, passing knowledge between generations. “It’s an honour to share my passion for teaching with the girls, though there was a… Continue reading No headaches thanks to new reading glasses

Making eye care part of health systems

Putting people first – Integrated Peoplecentred Eye Care (IPEC) is the gold standard in global eye health and has been a key part of our approach for decades. Understanding the unique needs, preferences and values of individuals and communities allows us to strengthen health systems in villages like Hong, in Arunachal Pradesh. Here, the vision centre is part of the local wellness centre.

Today, we are one of the few nongovernmental organizations partnering with the Government of India to open vision centres in existing government health facilities, bringing quality eye health care to underserved communities. Together, we are establishing and equipping vision care facilities, training existing healthcare staff and developing a continuum of care for patients – from… Continue reading Making eye care part of health systems