Downstream impact

Access to clean water doesn’t just help reduce the spread of infection, it transforms entire communities. It gives students like Natasha the chance to attend school instead of spending hours hauling water for her family.

In the village of Kwanga, in southern Zambia, the rehabilitation of a borehole has meant local access to abundant, fresh water for the entire community. For Natasha, it’s brought the ability to attend school full time. Previously, she had to walk several kilometres each day to fetch water for her family. This took so much… Continue reading Downstream impact

With her vision restored, Elina is smiling again

When Elina started to experience agonizing pain in her eyes, her options were limited. She lived in Munkala village in Zambia, more than 120 km away from a hospital, and her family couldn’t afford to travel there for her to see a doctor. They spent all they had looking for answers from traditional healers nearby,… Continue reading With her vision restored, Elina is smiling again

Access to clean water improves health and opportunities for a mother and her children

Regina is a 36-year-old mother of five who lives in Zambia’s Sinazongwe district. To provide her family with clean water, she visited her village’s borehole every day until 2018, when the borehole became dysfunctional and stopped providing clean water. At that point, the next closest borehole was 10 kilometres away. In communities like Regina’s, providing… Continue reading Access to clean water improves health and opportunities for a mother and her children

The value of clean water – World Water Day 2021

This year’s World Water Day theme is valuing water. On March 22, we celebrate World Water Day by recognizing that the value of water is much more than its price. Water is an integral part of our daily lives and impacts health, education, economics and our environment. Ensuring the availability and sustainable management of water… Continue reading The value of clean water – World Water Day 2021