Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving

Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, Florence received cataract surgery and is smiling once again. By giving the Gift of Sight this holiday season, you can help open new doors in the life of someone living with vision loss.

When Florence began losing her sight to cataracts, her daughter, Rose, watched helplessly as her mother lost not only her independence but also her joy. “She was complaining that she could see smoke,” says Rose, who lives with her mother in Kakamega, located in western Kenya. “She would always say that she could see people… Continue reading Gift of Sight – the gift that keeps on giving

A father’s livelihood and hope restored

The ancient art of ‘tea plucking”’ requires the picker to identify and pluck only the freshest, newest shoots on the tea plant. It requires dexterity, speed and, most importantly, excellent eyesight.  So, imagine trying to pick tea efficiently when your eyes are clouded over with cataracts.  This was the situation for 36-year-old Milan, who lives… Continue reading A father’s livelihood and hope restored

Help for the whole family

Preeti’s entire family – including her three younger brothers – was impacted when she lost her sight following a traumatic eye injury. Thanks to the generosity of donors like you, she received sight-restoring eye surgery free of charge.

For her family, 14-year-old Preeti is more than a daughter and sister – she is a caregiver to her three younger brothers and helps her single father run their household. Preeti also has big dreams for her family, who live together in a remote village in the Indian union territory of Jammu and Kashmir. “I… Continue reading Help for the whole family

Future back in focus for teen after vision restored

Sixteen-year-old Vanessa dreams of being a doctor someday. But when she started having trouble reading the blackboard at school, her grades began to suffer, and she worried she would never have the opportunity to study medicine.  The Grade 11 student lives in Matero, a high-density neighbourhood in Lusaka, Zambia. Last year, her school’s health club… Continue reading Future back in focus for teen after vision restored