Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush

Trachoma is the world’s leading cause of preventable blindness. I have seen people suffering from it in developing countries like Kenya and Zambia, where it is the most common and widespread eye health issue. An agonizing disease borne of a lack of clean water and poor sanitation, trachoma causes permanent blindness if left untreated. The… Continue reading Imagine eyelashes scratching like a metal brush

Thanks to you!

As we looked back on the 2011 year during our annual general meeting this past week, I was filled with immense gratitude for our donors. All of the work we do – every single project we undertake and every single person whose life is changed – is thanks to your kind generosity. Because of you,… Continue reading Thanks to you!

A child’s brush with blindness

Growing up, my two kids were prone to the usual childhood mishaps… scraped knees, bumped heads, sprained wrists, even the odd black eye. Fortunately, their eye injuries were rare and never vision-threatening. In Africa, however, I saw children with eye traumas caused by large razor-like acacia thorns, sharp splinters of firewood, poorly-aimed rocks and sticks… Continue reading A child’s brush with blindness