The Gift of Sight saved a little girl’s life

For six-year-old Blessing, the Gift of Sight has meant more than a critical eye surgery; it has meant life itself. Two years ago, Blessing was playing near a pile of burning trash in her home village in Ghana when an explosion occurred. Tragically, a piece of metal became embedded in her eye. Blessing was rushed… Continue reading The Gift of Sight saved a little girl’s life

Donor profile: Nikhil Srivalsan, Philanthropist

When 16-year-old Nikhil Srivalsan put on his first pair of glasses two years ago, his mind filled with memories of a family trip to India, where he noticed many seniors were affected with cataracts. He was shocked to learn that India has one of the world’s largest blind populations, including children, and more than half… Continue reading Donor profile: Nikhil Srivalsan, Philanthropist

This young artist is giving the precious gift of sight and changing lives!

Anyone can make an incredible impact with the gift of sight. Victoria has (above), and you can too. “I’m Victoria and I’m a 17-year-old Chinese Canadian currently living in Toronto. In the fall I hope to study illustration. Meantime, I have a part-time job as an art instructor. As soon as I started working, I… Continue reading This young artist is giving the precious gift of sight and changing lives!

Happy New Year!

Elagonda claps with excitement when describing her surgery, made possible by caring people like you.

Happy 2019! It’s hard to believe that 2018 has come and gone, isn’t it? Time flies. Last year people like you helped us reach thousands of people in need of eye care. Thank you for your support! So many people, like Elagonda from India, were helped through your generosity. Here’s a letter Elagonda wanted us… Continue reading Happy New Year!