Radio helps direct rural, remote Africans to health care

Do you enjoy listening to the radio? News programs, talk shows, music, weather reports, traffic updates – they’re all pleasurable and useful, but I suspect we take often take radio’s availability for granted. Yet for a 32-year old Zambian named Ides Habeenzu, listening to the radio actually helped restore her eyesight! Ides lives with her… Continue reading Radio helps direct rural, remote Africans to health care

Life takes a turn for the better!

University Teaching Hospital’s recently-refurbished ophthalmic centre has seen many success stories since Operation Eyesight and the Zambian government opened the facility in Lusaka, Zambia in 2012. One of the most recent happy stories I’d like to share with you is that of Davison Mwanamwale. Davison is a retired 75-year old who has lived in Lusaka for… Continue reading Life takes a turn for the better!

Takk! (Thank you in Icelandic!)

Father-daughter team Brad and Jennifer Diggens completed an ambitious hike in Iceland and raised more than $10,000 for our water projects in Zambia! They’ve generously agreed to share some of their photos, and want to say a huge ‘THANK YOU!’ to everyone who contributed to their fundraising. Let Jennifer tell you about their trip… If… Continue reading Takk! (Thank you in Icelandic!)

Run for “Well”ness smashes fundraising goal

When Dean Loewen puts his mind to something, he tends to make it happen. So we weren’t surprised to see to his team’s fundraising total climbing toward the $15,000 goal in the weeks before their Run for “Well”ness in June. (Read more about their story here.) Dean and his team of 17 runners all pitched… Continue reading Run for “Well”ness smashes fundraising goal