Restored sight helps lift the fog of depression and alcohol abuse

Benson stops to examine one of his crops at his farm in Embu County, Kenya.

Today, 36-year-old Benson keeps himself busy by managing his flourishing corn and cassava crops. But that wasn’t always the case.    Benson lives in a village northeast of Nairobi, in an arid part of Kenya’s Embu County. In 2015, his vision began to fade. Neither he nor anyone in his family knew what caused the vision… Continue reading Restored sight helps lift the fog of depression and alcohol abuse

The writing on the wall: Cataract surgery reveals surprise for mom in Zambian home 

It was a moment of great joy. After seven years of blindness, Maureen could finally see again. She had just undergone cataract surgery, and when she got home from the hospital, she was over the moon to set eyes on her five children, relieved and happy that she could see their precious faces once again. … Continue reading The writing on the wall: Cataract surgery reveals surprise for mom in Zambian home 

Love at clear sight: Man sees wife properly for the first time after cataract surgery

Imagine not knowing what your wife looks like until three years after you’ve gotten married. That was the case for 40-year-old Wasim in India. When Wasim got married, he had already started developing cataracts. The couple was blessed with a son, but Wasim’s deteriorating vision was making life difficult for the family. He couldn’t work,… Continue reading Love at clear sight: Man sees wife properly for the first time after cataract surgery

Diabetes under control and vision restored

Chiri lives in Thankot, Nepal where she loves helping on the family farm and looking after her grandchildren. About a year ago, her vision began to get cloudy. Gradually, it became difficult for her to go about her daily tasks unassisted. Not wanting to lose her independence, Chiri continued to try to do things on… Continue reading Diabetes under control and vision restored