Happy New Year!

Elagonda claps with excitement when describing her surgery, made possible by caring people like you.

Happy 2019! It’s hard to believe that 2018 has come and gone, isn’t it? Time flies. Last year people like you helped us reach thousands of people in need of eye care. Thank you for your support! So many people, like Elagonda from India, were helped through your generosity. Here’s a letter Elagonda wanted us… Continue reading Happy New Year!

Taking Time to Appreciate the View

James is so happy now that his sight has been restored – and it’s all because of donors like you!

“I couldn’t work or even tell people apart unless I recognized their voices, and my wife Pauline had to lead me around our home,” says James, a 70-year-old farmer from Kenya. James suffered from bilateral cataracts and desperately needed surgery. To get treatment, he’d need to save enough money to cover a trip to Nairobi,… Continue reading Taking Time to Appreciate the View

Another Great Year in Kenya, Thanks to You!

Our projects in Kenya made significant steps forward in 2017, despite being plagued by a health workers’ strike. And while the strike hampered our partners’ ability to deliver eye care services, it didn’t stop them! Moving full steam ahead, The Rift Valley Prevention of Blindness Project started its fourth and final year. Supported by our… Continue reading Another Great Year in Kenya, Thanks to You!

Worst floods in a century have left people vulnerable, without access to eye care

Lives lost. Hospitals and homes flooded. Eyeglasses washed away in the deluge. An outbreak of waterborne infections. The situation in Kerala state, India is devastating, and the impact on people’s health – including their eye health – is alarming. Our team in India has jumped into action, organizing medical relief camps in collaboration with Little… Continue reading Worst floods in a century have left people vulnerable, without access to eye care