World Sight Day has special meaning for one little boy

Until Kevin’s cataract surgery, life was dark and full of doubt. But because of kind-hearted donors, Operation Eyesight helped restore this little boy’s vision, turning his world of darkness to light. Patients, dignitaries, eye health care staff and partners organizations joined the celebratory events for World Sight Day in Elgeyo Marakwet County, Kenya on October… Continue reading World Sight Day has special meaning for one little boy

Thank YOU for all that you do!

Canadian Thanksgiving is coming up this weekend, and we wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of everything your incredible support has made possible, and more importantly, to THANK YOU for all that you do! Thanks to you… Thirteen-year-old Tom (and thousands of children, women and men) in the Lake Kariba area, Zambia, received… Continue reading Thank YOU for all that you do!

2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!

Last time we posted an impact report, we highlighted all the amazing work made possible in Kenya by supporters like you. This week is the last in our 2016 impact highlight series. We’re excited to have our last post about all the incredible work in Zambia made possible by generous people like you! For more… Continue reading 2016 was an incredible year in Zambia – Thanks to you!

2016 Highlights from Kenya: Tremendous impact was made thanks to people like you!

A couple weeks ago you may recall we highlighted the impact made possible by people like you in Ghana, where now thousands of people have been given the gift of sight. This week, we want to highlight all the amazing work we were able to achieve in Kenya, again thanks to generous supporters like you!… Continue reading 2016 Highlights from Kenya: Tremendous impact was made thanks to people like you!