What YOU achieved at Kitale District Hospital

Bernard is a great example of the transformation our donors have made at Kitale District Hospital. Bernard, from Kenya’s Trans Nzoia County, spent three years unable to see, dependent on others for everything. Now, after receiving sight-restoring surgery, he’s one of the hospital’s most dedicated community health volunteers! He’s committed to helping others receive the… Continue reading What YOU achieved at Kitale District Hospital

Amita is changing lives through a career that changed her life!

Amita lived the typical life of a young woman in Tokha Saraswati village in Nepal. Married at the age of 19, she kept busy taking care of her family. She had dreams of a rewarding career serving her community as a nurse, but her family couldn’t afford for her to go to school. The opportunity… Continue reading Amita is changing lives through a career that changed her life!

A lady with a mission to serve her community

Jabow, an Operation Eyesight-trained community health worker, and her family live in beautiful Kheram Bisa, India, famous for its tea garden. Her husband works as carpenter in the village, and their two daughters and one son are in school.

Jabow’s typical day starts with completing all her household chores early in the morning. In the afternoon, she goes door-to-door in her community to screen each household for eye health issues and educates the community about the importance of eye health-seeking behaviour. In her early days, she ran a child care centre in her community,… Continue reading A lady with a mission to serve her community

Cataract surgery can change a life

Meet Musokwe. She’s 72 and lives in a small village outside of Lusaka, Zambia. Aly Bandali, our President & CEO, met her at one of our boreholes, where she was fetching water for her family, carrying her grandchild on her back in a large scarf. She told Aly her story. She had lost her sight… Continue reading Cataract surgery can change a life